


12 E. Locust Street
Oxford, PA 19363

Monday - Friday, 9am-3pm

Closed for major holidays
and inclement weather











The Information Form is available at the center or you can click here to print the form. Our Center operates on a fiscal year basis, which begins July 1 and ends June 30. We have a Voluntary Participation Contribution ($15). We encourage everyone make your voluntary participation in the same month of each year. The date that you last paid your dues is located on the front cover of your newsletter above your name and address. If you have any questions, please call and talk to one of our staff.

For statistical purposes, Chester County Department of Aging requests that we gather from everyone the last four digits of your social security number, date of birth and minimum income levels. This information drastically affects our funding availability so the more information we have, the more we can help you. *Of course all this information will be kept confidential.

In addition, please notice the Medical Update Section on the back of the form. Please this important part of the form. For your protection, we need to be current with all of your Medical Information.

Please come in and update your information form when you renew your Voluntary Participation Contribution.

Thank you for keeping all of your contact and medical information up to date, it's in your best interest. Your $15 Voluntary Participation Contribution helps us with funds to maintain programs and services that we provide at the senior center. If you need help in completing the yearly information data form, please ask for assistance. We'll be glad to HELP.


Do You Eat Lunch at the Oxford Area Senior Center?

If you have eaten lunch at the senior center since July 1, 2024, you will be asked to complete a NAT-E Information Form. The Oxford Area Senior Center is fortunate to receive significant financial support from the Chester County Department of Aging Services (CCDAS) that enables us to offer you the diversity of programs and meals that we do.  As this is taxpayer-funded revenue passed down from the federal and state level, we have an obligation to CCDAS to present proof that we have spent these funds on programs for you and that you really do exist!  Ranked by median household income, Chester County is one of the wealthiest counties in Pennsylvania. This NAT-E form will show proof and confirm that not everyone living in Chester County is wealthy, especially our senior citizens. Many of our senior citizen participants need our Noon-Time Lunch program to receive the necessary daily dietary nutrients to exist. When asked, please help us and CCDAS by filling out one of these forms. If you need help filling out the form, please ask our Hostess(s) or Colleen and they will be happy to help.

Voluntary confidential contributions are not requested from individuals below 185% of the poverty level. Poverty guidelines are posted and available at the senior center.

Revised 7/1/24



The Oxford Senior Center is a member agency of the

United Way



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